God is GOODAll the time!!!

YOU’RE INVITED! SUNDAYS AT 11:00am (Sunday School 9:45a)

Bulletin - March 23, 2024

Please see our Events page!! Wednesday Prayer & Study- Zoom Meetings

***Pastor will NEVER text you requesting Assistance or Gifts- Please do NOT click any links in that text, delete, and beware of Scammers

3835 Laurel Run Road, Laurel Run, PA 18706 / (570) 823-1982


Pastor: William (Bill) Birch - (570) 266-7174

Email: LaurelRunPastor@gmail.com


Weekly Gatherings

Sunday Worship Service - 11:00 am
Sunday School - 9:45 am

Prayer and Bible Study - 7:00 pm

Presenting the Lord Jesus Christ, the Living God, through the proclamation of His Word, and through living our lives for Him.